Cutting Edge
Second book
Get Frances Michaelson’s –
“Do you have the guts to be healthy?“
It's Time to Get Gutsy
Have you ever wondered why more and more people suffer from digestive issues, intolerances, and food allergies when we have so many food options? With the crazy fad diets, fast food and the latest health “trends”, it’s no wonder we are confused.




In her book, “Do you have the Guts to be Healthy?”, Michaelson, explains in an easy to comprehend manner how we get to these diagnosis of dis/ease in the first place and what we can do to encourage and regenerate our bodies from a cellular level.
Sustainable health
The real winner
How cells read genes
How we can heal
Sustainable health
Food as Medicine
The adage of food as medicine, has been a powerful naturopathic approach to health and healing for over a century. In our modern world of:
- depleted soil
- environmental toxins
- and long “to do” lists
- we seem to have lost sight of eating to nourish…our cells.
- It’s time to change that!
The real winner
Our Cells
With trillions of cells working inside our bodies, in order to understand our health, we must examine it from the cellular level.
- But prevention is a hard sell. Doctors treat the effects of dis-ease…..
- But what if we more closely examined the cause?
- Could we treat our cells better?
- We must have healthy gut flora.
- This will allow us to experience optimal health and immune system.
How cells read genes
The field of epigenetics has proven that our health and DNA is clearly impacted by how we think, how we digest, how we absorb, how we use, how we eliminate, and how we move.
- Our food has changed dramatically in the last 100 years.
- Our soil has become deficient in nutrients.
- Sitting is the new smoking, our climate is compromised.
- All this has triggered an epidemic of cellular inflammation.
- With a long list of auto immune diseases that did not exist 20 years ago.
How we can heal
Through an internal intelligence, our bodies never make a mistake …..what it created, it can heal, if given the chance.
There is no owner’s manual with instructions of how to look after our bodies.
We were taught that if we felt unwell, we should visit the doctor.
The doctor would make us better.
We now know that this is not necessarily the case.
It’s time to broaden our perspective and approach to healing.
“Do You Have the Guts to be Healthy” is a stunningly informative yet effortlessly journey on how to feel and be healthier. And it all starts in your gut. There is real truth to the saying “No Guts, No Glory” and if you don’t have the guts to change your diet it is unlikely you will ever experience the glory of great health. Frances makes the science you need to learn, easy to understand and the steps you need to take, easy to execute. So, what are you waiting for? The only obstacle standing between you and vibrant health is this book! If you have the guts to reach for perfect health, reach for Frances’s book first. You won’t be disappointed.
Catharine Arnston
Founder, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer
ENERGYbits Inc

Michaelson’s mission is simple: to encourage, motivate and move you toward the world of wellness. It’s time to get gutsy! This book is:
A guide and reference tool to keep coming back to on your journey of improved digestion.
A support system that provides a level of accountability to help you achieve your health goals.
A gift that gives people a “little bit of guts” to implement different strategies.
A thorough explanation of the six pillars of health and how to build a health foundation.
In her book, “Do you have the Guts to be Healthy?”, Michaelson, explains in an easy to comprehend manner how we get to these diagnosis of dis/ease in the first place and what we can do to encourage and regenerate our bodies from a cellular level.
“I like your brassy style. Your readers will benefit from applying in their life
the very practical knowledge of health that you share in your book.”
Udo Erasmus
Founder of Udo’s Choice