
Natural Remedies for Sunburn

We all know that it is important to spend time in the sun. It feels good and provides us with vitamin D that is so necessary for our health. The problem, however, is that too much sun exposure combined with not having enough protection can cause painful sunburns. When it comes to protection and sunscreens,

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SOY – Uses & Benefits

Soy is everywhere these days, but depending on who you ask , you will receive different responses as to whether it is a healthy or harmful food .  Soybeans are a complete protein source and provide more protein than any other legume. Because of their bland flavor and high nutrient content, soybeans can be made

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What exactly is the Keto diet? The Keto diet has been very trendy the last few years . The Ketogenic diet is designed to help you lose weight and fat within the body by eating mostly fat, some protein, and very little carbs. The premise is “eat fat to lose fat “ . The goal

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Honey and sugar, although both very sweet, are very different products . The empty calories in sugar contribute directly to overweight, diabetes, tooth decay and overall poor health. As little as 2 teaspoons of sugar changes the blood chemistry so that the body is no longer in balance.  WHAT IS HONEY? Honey is a natural

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WHAT IS COLLAGEN? Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It is a basically a raw collection of amino acids that is found in our skin, bones, muscles, digestive system and blood vessels. Collagen is well known for replacing dead skin cells and for the elasticity and strength of our skin.  BENEFITS OF

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Believe it or not … Naturopathy works!

Even with all the research, some people just don’t want to believe in things like climate change or naturopathy. Here is some of the research on the effectiveness of Naturopathy if you are interested. Does the Medical Community Believe? Last week was the first time I spoke to a group of doctors and nurses about Naturopathy.

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