How to Make your Resolutions Stick


As a personal trainer, I always experience a large number of calls from eager clients wanting to change their lifestyle for their New Year’s Resolution. Gyms and Health Clubs are busy, busy, with everyone eager to shed some weight and get into better shape.

Sadly, this often never lasts. Why is it that after a few weeks, the excitement wears off and slowly but surely people seem to fall off their New Year’s workout wagon? Too often we place too much demand on ourselves. It is safer and easier to take baby steps, feel good about your changes and grow from there. For example, if you were not exercising at all, start with one or two sessions a week, not three. Try to stick to those two sessions for several weeks, and when you feel ready, add more.

Very often good intentions are not paired with realistic goals. Just saying “I want to get into better shape” as one of your resolutions, is not specific enough. A smarter way of initiating change and sticking to the good intentions is by stating clear and specific goals. Good examples are statements like, “I will take a Zumba class on Mondays, Strength Training on Wednesdays and Fridays, and practice Yoga on Saturday.” It has been well documented that stating your goals, increases the chance of success.

Writing down our goals and how we are going to stick to them is important. If you say you will exercise three days a week, mark down the days and the times as if you are making a dentist or hair appointment. It is obvious that you must take the time out of your day to get to the dentist office or hairdresser. The same process must be taken with exercise. The biggest excuse we hear from people when they fail to exercise, is that they ran out of time. My answer to that is simple: “How can you run out of time, if YOU made the time?”

I feel that having some props at home help because they add variety and stimulation to your workouts. An amazing piece of equipment is a Total Gym. It is safe, challenging, and most importantly, you can train your entire body. Its functionality allows for people of all fitness levels to use it, and get great results.

Finally, finding a buddy to train with works well because you are making the commitment to each other, and YOU must show up!


By Frances Michaelson

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Based in the West Island of Montreal, Frances Michaelson is author of several publications including her upcoming book, Let’s Practice Health: Learn Why Your Gut Is the CEO of Your Health. With over three decades of experience, and a broad knowledge base, Frances is widely recognized as a leader in the health and fitness field. She is the former owner of Muscleup Inc., an exercise product distribution company, which she founded and operated for over 20 years. Frances is a licensed naturopath in Quebec and has been a personal trainer for the past 17 years. She is also an avid health and fitness blogger and a frequent conference presenter.

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