Live Your Wow Now
Tired of waking up tired? Annoying or painful gut issues getting you down? It’s time for you to walk into the World of Wellness.
- Overcome the causes of your current health situation.
- Balance your hormones naturally.
- Lose weight with our proprietary system and support.
- Feel more vibrant, revitalized and alive.
- Reduce or even eliminate medications that could be causing even more issues.
- Be more flexible, stronger and even increase your libido.

Think it!
- Naturopathic health assessment
- Initial consultation 70 minutes
- Follow up session 45 minutes
- Detailed written health protocol
- Insurance receipts
Start Up
Do it!
- Naturopathic health assessment
- 4 weekly sessions
- Detailed written health protocol
- 24/7 phone/email support
- Book - Do You Have the Guts to Be Healthy?
- Insurance receipts
1 month
Best Transformation
Feel it!
- Naturopathic health assessment
- 12 one-on-one sessions
- Detailed written health protocol
- 24/7 phone/email support
- Book - Do You Have the Guts ...?
- Love your wow Journal
- Insurance receipts
3 months
- Naturopathic health assessment
- 24 one-on-one bi-weekly sessions
- Detailed written health protocol
- 24/7 phone/email support
- Book - Do You Have the Guts ...?
- Love your wow Journal
- Fitness evaluation and workout plan
- Insurance receipts
12 months

Discover the wonderful benefits of an infrared sauna today!
Detoxification, Relaxation, Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Improved Circulation, Skin Purification and more…
- Follow-up consultation
- 2 Zoom sessions per month for 6 months
- Changes/updates to your program/plan
- Unlimited email support
- $300 per month
Previous clients only
A lifetime of lasting change.
Follow up
- Follow-up consultation
- 1 Zoom or live session
- Changes/updates to your program/plan
- $185 per session
previous clients only
A periodic check in to keep you on track.
Detailed health assessment
All Live the WOW packages start with your Detailed Health Assessment. We make it easy with a questionnaire and providing more clarity before getting started. It is imperative to share your complete health history before beginning any program. This information allows us to do an in-depth analysis and additional research before tailoring the program to meet your specific needs.
You must provide this information before our initial consultation.
- Summary of your health history: any prognosis, symptoms, medications and family history
- Summary of your current health habits: your eating patterns, sleeping – schedule, movement and exercise routines
- Optional: medical tests and current blood work; diabetes, cholesterol, etc
- Unlimited email support
Once all of your Detailed Health Assessment information is received we can schedule your Initial Consultation. During this one-hour face-to-face conversation we will:
- Review the Detailed Health Assessment
- Discuss your short term and long term goals
- Answer question and clarify the Live the WOW methodology
Receive your transformational toolkit including:
Customized meal plans
Cleansing products and instructions

Complete Transformation Program
only available with 16-week and 36-week packages
MODULE 1: Look back to move forward
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” Stop the madness by looking at what thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviors may have caused your current health situation. Repeating the same dysfunction routines can only lead to more pain and angst in the future. In this module you will:
- Reveal the secrets buried inside your personal Detailed Health Assessment.
- Discover how you can get the body working for you, not against you.
- Develop a strong foundation of understanding to motivate essential changes.
- Get the simple, easy-to-follow tools you need to start making a real difference.
- Determine which supplements/herbs are right for you to get faster results.
It’s time to let go of the past. Release the old beliefs, patterns and behaviours to embrace a NEW you! Clear out the toxic residue and start fresh so you can Live in the World Of Wellness right away!
MODULE 2: You Are What You EAT
Your old eating habits got you where you are today. Have you ever eaten something then felt bloated, had heartburn or experienced bowel discomfort? If so, you are likely suffering from major digestive issues caused by the wrong food choices. The reality is, it’s not just what you eat, but what you digest that counts. When you don’t digest your food properly, it doesn’t get absorbed, used or eliminated properly. Some people are obese but actual starving their internal organs, which can lead to serious illness and even death. This module will:
- Find the right foods that suit your likes and your lifestyle.
- Increase your vitality by delivering more nutrients to your system.
- Set you up for success with baby steps and BIG wins!
- Mentor your dietary progress and make adjustments along the way.
- Menu and meal plans to give you more energy and lose weight.
Get out of that rut! Gone are the brain fog, the inflammation, the gut issues and more. When you start to follow your personalized plan the discomfort of the past will fade away and ultimately be eliminated. Feel more alive! A new, rejuvenated you will emerge over the weeks and months ahead. Get more energy to do the things you love. Get more done. Have more fun!
MODULE 3: Move it or lose it
“An object in motion stays in motion”
Does it sometimes feel like your glued to your chair? Is your computer taking over your life? You’ve probably heard, “Sitting is the new smoking.” Immobility critically impedes your entire system resulting a higher risk for heart attacks, lung and structural dysfunction. It can be hard to move from a stationary position but that’s why we created this module. Once you get moving, it’s gets easier and easier. That’s why this module is completely focused on getting you moving. You will:
- Build an initiate relationship with your lymphatic system (not nymphatic, though your libido may improve.)
- Eliminate toxins that cause symptoms of disease.
- Identify body strengths and correct weakness or imbalances.
- Get toned and losing weight more quickly.
You won’t believe the change! Watch your energy multiply week-after-week, as you get stronger and more committed. Your Detailed Personalized Exercise Program provides easy and efficient exercises that you can do anywhere – your office, hotel or home (and no special equipment required.) But more important is we will be there to motivate you and keep you on track. Build momentum; own your strength until you love exercise so much it becomes non-optional!
MODULE 4: Turn Good Intentions into Action
Have you ever been so excited and committed to something, then completely forgot about it weeks later? That is what happens with most New Years Resolutions. We only have a finite amount of willpower. When that runs out, so does your determination to stick to it. Most people just don’t have the lasting motivation to keep them going when the going gets tough. Without ongoing accountability all good intentions go to waste (or to your waist.) That’s why this module will help you:
- Harness the power of “Why?”.
- Learn how to tap into daily motivation.
- Develop your MUST factor to determine your highest priorities.
- Discover what is your committed ‘Skin in the Game’.
- Stay accountable to your actions.
Fail to plan, plan to fail. After you are fully equipped with the knowledge and inspiration from all the previous modules, you now get the ongoing support you need to make it happen. We keep close track and monitor your progress, as your body and digestion change. We’ve got your back every step of the way. Making adjustments to your food and fitness plan to keep your momentum going for the entire duration of the program.