
Why We Should Be Drinking More Water

I never ask my clients how many glasses of water they drink a day. Eight glasses (as we have been hearing for decades) is simply not nearly enough. I ask how many liters they have consumed. If you wait until you are thirsty it is already too late. Imagine your poor cells! Once you experience

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5 Best Detox Foods

If I could pick a few buzz words that plateaued in 2013 and are still popping up, detox is one of them. With stronger chemicals in the air, water, medications, and foods, the risk for exposure is much greater than it used to be. Food plays a major role in the body’s ability to eliminate

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How to Make your Resolutions Stick

As a personal trainer, I always experience a large number of calls from eager clients wanting to change their lifestyle for their New Year’s Resolution. Gyms and Health Clubs are busy, busy, with everyone eager to shed some weight and get into better shape. Sadly, this often never lasts. Why is it that after a

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