6 Pillars of Health
Health begins in our minds. Our perceptions of our personal health, and health in general, affect the way we act. Thinking positively about our approach to how we feel can drastically affect the outcome.
Health begins in our minds. Our perceptions of our personal health, and health in general, affect the way we act. Thinking positively about our approach to how we feel can drastically affect the outcome.
As we head into a new season and the skies become darker, it can really help us establish proper sleeping habits if we have a deeper understanding of our circadian rhythm. We have two adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Our adrenal glands produce cortisol, which is our “flight or fight” hormone
If there is one food that everyone probably has in their kitchen, but do not give it the honor that it deserves, it is garlic. Dubbed the “stinking rose”, garlic belongs to the lily family and is related to onions, chives, shallots, and leeks. It is cultivated worldwide and has been touted since ancient times
We hear so much about different superfoods, but if there is one food that truly falls into the superfood category, it is sprouts. They have the largest amount of nutrients of any food. Sprouting increases the vitamin content of seeds significantly. WHAT ARE SPROUTS? So what are sprouts exactly? They are edible seeds that have
The essence of life is our breath. Breathing is more important than eating or sleeping. It is necessary to learn to regulate and control our breath to effectively heal the mind and body. Begin to recognize that breath is energy, which will allow us to control our focus and awareness throughout the day. Breathwork is
Food has a tremendous impact on how we perform both mentally and physically. Do you pay enough attention to the connection between food and how you feel? There is a lot of confusion about food with different groups arguing that their program is the best. Nutrition has become as divisive as politics! There are so
As we head into a new year , there is no better time to learn and practice new dietary and lifestyle habits . Many of my clients are expressing their need for some sort of reboot. Over the winter months , especially with holiday temptations etc , bad habits seem to somehow creep back in,
As I get older and feel younger and better than I ever have, it becomes very clear that ageing is a disease that one can try to avoid given the right tools. Engaging in a healthy lifestyle can make all the difference on how the years add up and take their toll on your body.
APPLES – THE PERFECT SNACK! If you’re going to snack… make it an apple or two! I never understood snacking. Clients ask me all the time for good snack options. My answer is always the same… if you are eating whole foods that are nutrient dense, you should not have to snack. Munching mindlessly can
HEALTH IS WEALTH I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the words virus, cancer, auto immune, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, depression, intolerances, irritable bowel, celiac, autism, and the list goes on. It never seems to stop! I have been running my naturopathy practice for 10 years now and the health of